Contextual menu

Contextual menu is used to provide a list of actions and links that can be used to perform an action or navigate.


The contextual menu component can adopt different status depending on user requirements and its slot (see anatomy of the contextual menu).


Slot behaviors

The component chosen in the slot section follow its own status: (active, hovered, disabled, …)

  • Active/Default: The component to active the contextual menu is active and is actionable.
  • Hovered (optional): This status only concerned component with an “hovered” status as button.
  • Disabled (optional): The contextual menu can’t be opened.


Drop behaviors

Drop opened

When the user clicks or hovers over the slot (see events)

Drop opened > Default item hovered


Drop opened > Danger item

Drop opened > Danger item hovered

Drop opened > Disabled item/section

Drop opened > Hovered disabled item/section

Drop opened > Disabled danger item

Drop opened > Hovered disabled danger item



The drop element can be placed all around the slot according to the limit of the screen. By default, it has to be placed at the bottom-left position.



You have two options for activating the component, the choice between them depend of the usage context:

  • On click: The drop element appears when user clicks on the slot and disappears when it clicks on an option/action or outside of the drop.
  • On mouseover: The drop part appears and stays visible when the user hovers over the slot and the drop part. It disappears when the user clicks on an option or when the mouse leaves the drop part.


Size and responsive behaviors

The size of the drop is limited.

  • Its width cannot be less than 170px and exceed 300px.
  • It's height is limited to 20 items.
  • Long texts are truncated. We can't have a text of two lines.