delimiters="[' ', ';', ',']"
correct-values="[{value: '', chipsType: 'domain'}]"
invalid-values="[{value: 'Invalid', chipsType: '', errorType: "invalidFormat"}]"
error-message-keys="{'invalidFormat': 'Invalid format'}"
The DynamicInput component supports the following props:
Name |
Type |
Default |
Required |
id |
string |
undefined |
true |
delimiters |
string[] |
undefined |
true |
correctValues |
```{ value: string chipsType: string }[] |
undefined |
true |
invalidValues |
{ value: string errorType?: string chipsType: string }[] |
undefined |
true |
errorMessageKeys |
{ (errorType) string: string .... } |
undefined |
true |
placeholder |
string |
undefined |
true |
actionButtonLabel |
string |
undefined |
true |
canBypassPreactivation |
boolean |
false |
false |
preactivationLabel |
string |
undefined |
false |
cancelButtonLabel |
string |
undefined |
false |
canDisplayBadges |
boolean |
false |
false |
errorMessage |
string |
undefined |
false |
labelledBy |
string |
undefined |
false |
badgeTypes |
{ label: string type: string color: 'primary'|'secondary'|'warning'|'danger'|'success'|'premium'|'earth'|'neptune'|'jupiter'|'cloudy'|'system'|'neutral'|'brand' quantity: number }[] |
undefined |
false |
dataTestid |
string |
undefined |
false |
The interactions on the DynamicInput component are handled by the following Events
- @user-input : This event is emitted when the component's state or data is updated.
- @remove-valid-chip : This event is triggered when the delete button of a valid Chip is clicked.
- @remove-invalid-chip : This event is emitted when the delete button of an invalid Chip is clicked.
- @validate-action : This event is triggered when the button for validating Chips is clicked.
- @cancel : This event is triggered when the cancel button is clicked to return to the pre-activation stage.
Exposed Functions
- openDynamicInput() : force dynamicInput opening to bypass pre-activation
- closeDynamicInput() : force dynamicInput closing to return to pre-activation