
Use to navigate between websites, pages or sections. It’s a navigational element.

Link are actionable components that allow us to open a new page or to navigate outside of the current page.


Standalone link

It’s the default variant. It’s used alone and/or directly after another content. It can be used with icon in specific case.

Don’t use this type of link in sentence or paragraph.


List link

It’s used when we have more than one link in a component (e.g. footer). It can be used with icon in specific case.


Inline link

It’s used directly in paragraphs or sentences. It has the same size and weight than text around it.


Do / Don't



Use inline link in sentence. You can add icon to add information as external page.

Use inline link in sentence. You can add icon to add information as external page.

Use an inline link with an icon in a sentence other than for a link to an external page.

Use an inline link with an icon in a sentence other than for a link to an external page.



Use list link when you have more than one link next to each other.

Use list link when you have more than one link next to each other.

Use standalone link or inline link when you have more than one link next to each other.

Use standalone link or inline link when you have more than one link next to each other.



Use standalone link, alone and/or directly after another content.

Use standalone link, alone and/or directly after another content.

Use list link or inline link, alone and/or directly after another content.

Use list link or inline link, alone and/or directly after another content.