Accessible pairing
To use our color you need to respect some accessibility principles. Some of our components are built with colored texts and system backgrounds.
To ensure that the text remains visible, the constrast must not fall below 3.1 which means :
--> Text in bold : 14pt = 18,5px minimum
--> A contrast ratio of 3:1 is sufficient for interface components or graphic elements carrying information and their backgrounds
System colors on background
Some of our components are built with a system background and white or black text on top. To ensure that the text remains visible, the constrast must not fall below 4.5.1. Here is the system colors you can used on light and dark mode.
Colors on background
Some of our components are built with a system background and white or black text on top. To ensure that the text remains visible, the constrast must not fall below 4.5.1. Here is the list of the colors you can apply on the different system colors to ensure accessibility.