3.5.0 – Sagitta Latest
- Components added/updated in this version
- Navigation (New) ✨
- Notification (New)✨
- Breadcrumb (Improved)⬆️
- TextInput (Improved)⬆️
- NumberInput (Improved)⬆️
- Select (Improved)⬆️
- Paging (Improved)⬆️
- Text (Improved)⬆️
- Avatar (Improved)⬆️
- Counter (Improved)⬆️
- Alert (Fixed)🛠️
3.4.0 – Reticulum
- New components✨
- Alert: Use to inform the user of something on a page or section.
- Breadcrumb: A list of links showing the location of the current page in the navigational hierarchy.
- Components improved⬆
- Tooltip: "inline-block" class removed from the tooltip slot container
- Component fixed 🛠
- StateIndicator: Wrong color of the state indicator when using the "pending" state.
3.3.0 – Quintuplet
- New components ✨
- Divider: ividers are used to separate content on a page, mostly used to group content into different sections.
- Components improved ⬆
- TextInput: Emit "focus" event and add missing button type on the text visibility button for "password" input.
- Components fixed 🛠
- Icon: Now uses the "text-(size)" classes defined in "@pyxis/design-tokens".
3.2.0 – Pegasus
- New components ✨
- Contextual menu: it is used to provide a list of actions and links that can be used to perform an action or navigate.
3.1.0 – Orion
- New components ✨
- Paging: Component used to paginate lists
- Components improved ⬆
- Link: Add a new "prop" -> "shouldUseRouterLink" to whether force or not the usage of "RouterLink" -> might be used with "tel:..." and "mailto:..." "href"
- TextInput: A new "prop" -> "autocomplete" that reflects the default one of "input" html tag
- Tooltip: The tooltip is now "Teleported" from a nested component so that allow the parent components to drill props down to the first DOM Node of the Child component
- Components fixed 🛠
- Badge: Badge icon size and default size.
- Textarea: Put id on textarea.
3.0.2 – Norma
- Component fixed 🛠
- Dynamic input: Correction of input text color in dark mode.
3.0.1 – Norma
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Icon : Add missing export for the Icon component.
3.0.0 – Norma
- **New Components ✨**
- PyxisTextInput
- Component from the PyxisInput split, used for "text" or "Password" types.
- PyxisNumberInput
- Component from the PyxisInput split, used for "number" type.
- Text
- Used to link each text has an HTML tag and a color according to the chosen size.
- Icon
- System icons symbolize common actions, files, devices and directories.
- **Components Improved ⬆️**
- **Button**
- ❗️'isSquare' property has been removed.❗️
- ❗️'iconClass' property has been renamed in 'leftIconClass'.❗️
- ❗️'type' property has been renamed in 'variant'.❗️
- New `type` property corresponding to the native HTML attribute.
- **Textarea**
- ❗️`labelInfo` property has been renamed in `labelTooltip`.❗️
- ❗️`textareaId` property has been renamed in `id`.❗️
- ### SubMenu
- ❗️`label` property has been added as mandatory in an item of `menusList` property.❗️
- ## **Components Fixed 🛠**
- ### Select
- `data-testid` correction for options.
- ### ToggleButton
- Fire the ring animation only when the props value change.
- ## **Components Deleted 🚫**
- ❗️PyxisInput no longer exists and has been replaced by PyxisTextInput for type `text`/`password` and by PyxisNumberInput for type `number`. ❗️
- ## **Other updates in this version**
- ❗️For all components, 'dataTestId' property has been renamed in 'dataTestid'❗️
- ❗️`@pyxis/design-tokens` bump version to [v2.0.0](https://gitlabdev.vadesecure.com/pyxis/design-tokens/-/releases/v2.0.0). ❗️
- Using tailwind preset in `@pyxis/pyxis` tailwind config
- `@pyxis/design-tokens` is now export by `@pyxis/pyx
2.8.0 – Monoceros
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Select: The component emit now @change event.
- Other updates in this version:
- @pyxis/design-tokens bump version to v1.4.0.
2.7.0 – Lynx
- Components improved ⬆
- Badge: The component can now be used with in a "compact" size.
- Dynamic Input: "openDynamicInput" and "closeDynamicInput" Functions exposed for bypassing pre-activation or returning directly to it.
2.6.0 – Kapella
- Components improved ⬆
- Popover: An event is now emitted when the popover closes and opens.
- Link: An event is now emitted when the link is clicked.
- Components fixed 🛠
- Status Indicator: The icon size has been fixed to avoid shrinkage.
2.5.0 – Jabbah
- Components improved ⬆
- Popover: openPopover and closePopover funstion exposed + new click event to open it.
- State Indicator: New regular status is now available.
- Inputs (Text and Number): New "blur" and "enter" events can be emmit.
- Components fixed 🛠
- Tab: Animation onclick has been removed.
- Tokens
- Tokens can be used with a new theme "Hornet".
2.1.3 – Fornax surcharged
- Components added/updated in this version
- Dynamic Input FIXED 🛠
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Dynamic Input
- Design fix of tooltips displayed on error Chips.
2.1.2 – Fornax surcharged
- 🛠️ Components Fixed:
- Dynamic Input: correction of unintentional input validation error.
2.1.1 – Fornax surcharged
- *Components added/updated*
- Dynamic Input FIXED 🛠
- *Component fixed 🛠*
- The display of the error tooltip in Dynamic Input has been fixed.
2.1.0 – Fornax surcharged
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Counter: The Counter component is now available in `reverse` color.
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Radio Button: Radio Button use now `rounded-full` class instead of `rouded-[9999px]`.
- Toggle Button: Toggle Button use now `rounded-full` class instead of `rouded-[9999px]`.
2.0.0 – Fornax
- New Components ✨
- Dynamic Input : Dynamic input is now an independent component. It allows you to add several items to a list.
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Input : The Input component has been simplified, and can no longer be used in the "dynamic" case.
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Badge : Badge CSS height property has been fixed (28px).
- Counter : Counter CSS height property has been fixed (28px).
- Tooltip : Tooltip CSS z-index property has been fixed.
1.9.0 – Equuleus
- New Components ✨
- Chip: Chips are compact elements that represent an input, an attribute or an action.
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Badge: The Badge component is now available in an inactive state.
- Counter: The Counter component is now available in an inactive and disabled state.
- Submenu: Now, emits the value and the url of the selected menu at click on. The component no longer scrolls by itself when a menu is clicked and long text are now left-aligned.
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Input: Hide error and required message when Text input is disabled.
1.8.0 – Draco surcharged
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Badge: The Badge component is now available in the color `brand`.
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Submenu: Customized icon colors have been corrected and fixed the Submenu component's behavior when used in a page scroll case.
1.7.0 – Draco
- New Components ✨
- Tab: Tabs are used to classify related content and, navigate between similar types of information that appear in the same context
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Submenu: The text color for any unselected Submenu has been changed from `text-inactive` to `text-body` for better visibility in light mode.
- Components Fixed 🛠
- Number Input: Number input increment button alignment has been corrected.
- Button: The button now emits the event type on click
- Documentation 📚
- Roadmap Q1 2024 is available
1.6.0 – Cassiopeia surcharged
- Components improved ⬆️
- Input: New `forceInputDisplay` prop added to dynamic type Input that used to allows you to skip the first step of input activation.
- Badge: Now integrates the possibility of having a counter (see counter component), thanks to the `counter` prop. It is now available in a new `neutral` color accessible via the `color` prop.
- New pages ✨
- Legal notice
- Terms & Conditions
- License
1.5.0 – Cassiopeia surcharged
- Components improved ⬆️
- Action components (Button, Checkbox, Input, RadioButton, Select, SubMenu & ToggleButton) : All the action components that can be focused now use the design token "accessibility-focus" instead of the "brand-opacity" for better visibility.
- State Indicator: The StateIndicator component now offers customizable icon & color through the "iconClass" & "color" props.
- Components fixed 🛠️
- Select: The Select component has been rebuilt to align with the test implementation based on the older version of Select.
1.4.1 – Cassiopeia surcharged
- Components fixed 🛠️
- Input: The forgotten props "disabled" & "hasError" on "dynamic" type Input that used to cause errors in the console have been removed.
1.4.0 – Cassiopeia Surcharged
- Components improved ⬆️
- Input: The Input component now features the "dynamic" type to verify if the value matches a given regex.
- Sub Menu: The Sub Menu component now offers customizable icon color through the iconColor prop.
1.3.0 – Cassiopeia surcharged
- Components Improved ⬆️
- Checkbox: The boolean type has been added to the Checkbox value to offer more flexibility to the developer.
- Input: The Input component now supports 2 actionable buttons: Hide action and Clear action.
- ToggleButton: The event emitted from the ToggleButton component on value changes has been renamed to update:modelValue, so that the value can be updated on its own thanks to the two-way binding system.
- Components Fixed 🛠️
- Checkbox: The issue of the Checkbox event being triggered twice has been resolved by utilizing the .stop event modifier to prevent its propagation.
1.2.0 – Cassiopeia
- New components ✨
- Textarea : The textarea component allows users to render a multiline text input within a form.
- Components improved ⬆️
- Input : The input component now supports custom prefix icons.
- @pyxis/designtokens : The dependency @pyxis/design-tokens has been updated to 0.4.0.
1.1.1 – Bootes surcharged
- Components Fixed 🛠️
- Button : the size of the square compact Button has been fixed.
- Select : the focus style is applied when the Select is focused by the keyboard and the mouse, z-index value has been set on the options list so it can stay on top.
- Button, ToggleButton, Checkbox, RadioButton & Sub-Menu : The focus style is only applied when the component is focused by the keyboard.
1.1 – Bootes
- 3 new components: counter, submenu, input
- 3 improved components: button, link, tooltip
- Documentation added for toggle button, state indicator, tooltip et select
1.0 – Andromeda
- The Andromeda first release of Pyxis comes with a complete get started guide as well as a full set of guidelines, and obviously a first round of components and every foundations
- Foundations (architecture, colors, typo, scale, elevation, animations, shadows...)
- Components (Badge, Button, Checkbox, Link, Radio button)